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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Last Post

This is my last post for multimedia.  It is my evaluation of the final project.
    I made a website in flash that contained all of the material from every project I've done this year.  I thought it turned out great.  I had a page for every project I did and buttons that went to each page.  I worked hard on it to compile all of my work.  I really like it.  The buttons were a challenge, I learned about how to use the component inspector and I made further progress with action script.  I liked going over all of my work and seeing how I have improved.


"Flash Website." Webdesigndev.com. Blogger, 2008. Web. 14 May 2012. <http://www.webdesigndev.com/flash/learn-how-to-create-a-flash-website>.
 Nick D.S. "Create a Flash Website." Flashgamedesign.com. 2011. Web. 14 May 2012. <http://www.flash-game-design.com/flash-tutorials/basic-Website-flash-tutorial.html>
Boinapalli, Abhishek. "Technology Interconnected." Another Author. 29 Mar. 2012. Web. 22 May 2012. <http://becomingprince.blogspot.com/2012/03/technology-interconnected.html>.
"Creating a Simple Flash Website." Creating a Simple Flash Website. 28 Sept. 2006. Web. 29 May 2012. <http://www.republicofcode.com/tutorials/flash/simple_website/>.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dancer Project Bibliography

I used ,ore sites than listed on the Investigation.  This is my finished bibliography:

Paul0v2's. "Really Cool Digital Make up in Photoshop in 10 Min." Abduzeedo. 13 Oct. 2008. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <http://abduzeedo.com/really-cool-digital-make-photoshop-10-min>.
"Women's Camisole Leotard." All Around Dance. 8 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. <http://www.allarounddance.com/products/4232-camisole-leotard-1>.
"Ballerina: A Look at Ballet Today and Yesterday." HubPages. 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. <http://internetwriter62.hubpages.com/hub/Ballerina-A-Look-at-Ballet-Today-and-Yesterday>.
Kelby, Scott. "Cast Realistic Shadows in Photoshop." LayersMagazine.com. 31 Aug. 2006. Web. 04 May 2012. <http://layersmagazine.com/photoshop-realistic-shadows.html>.
 "Pink Ballerina Tutu." HalloweenCostumes.com. 2012. Web. 04 May 2012. <http://www.halloweencostumes.com/pink-ballerina-tutu.html>.

Dancer Project - Evaluate

I thought I did good on my project.  I conveyed my problem and solved it within the regulations.  I think I could have made the lighting better to where the dancers looked more together.  If I could do it again I would want more time to fix the lighting and I would have liked to make some theater seats at the bottom, but there wasn't a picture I could use.  If I could do this over I would take the theater seats picture myself and add it in.  Over all I like my project though I think I solved my problem in a good way, showing kids how they should appreciate how long it takes to become a prima ballerina, even though that's all you see on stage.

Dancer project - Create

I made a 20 by 25 poster of the art of ballet.  It has seven ballet dancers that each increase in there training and there is also one Prima Ballerina in the cent of a stage.  This poster represents how long it takes to become a prima ballerina and tries to give children an appreciation for the art.  I made to poster in photoshop using different parts of other pictures.  I enjoyed making it and wouldn't change anything.  I feel like this project helped me better understand photoshop.

This is a screene shot of the poster:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dancer Project - Plan

I will be making a 25 by 20 inch poster of ballet dancers.  The background will consist of a concrete floor stage with a curtain in the back. Th Prima Ballerina will be in front, surrounded by seven other dancers each gaining in their level of ballet.  This will show the process of becoming a ballerina.  I will make my poster using other photos (cited) and combining them in photoshop.  I will make shadows and make all of the ballet dancers have the same lighting.  My poster will demonstrate the art of ballet and how long it takes to become a Prima Ballerina.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Dance project - Design

Design Brief
I am going to make a project to solve the problem of kids between the ages of 8-18 not appreciating ballet dancers.  I am trying to make children appreciate the art of ballet more.  To have a better attitude when they go see the ballet in a field trip.  I am going to make a poster that symbolizes how long it takes a dancer to become a prima ballerina. The poster will have a ballet dancer of each year in ballet.  The Prima Ballerina and her partner will be center stage symbolizing the finished work.  It will show kids how much effort and dedication it takes to become a prima ballerina.

  • will be 25in wide 15in tall
  • will be made in time given
  • will be made in photoshop
Function (what it was made to do)
  • will make kids more interested in ballet
  • help kids understand how long it takes to become a ballet dancer
  • help kids in ballet express themselves
  • made from different parts of other pictures
  • made in photoshop by me
  • using different techniques found in tutorials
  • made in time given
  • 1st week - investigate (find pictures and tutorials)
  • 2nd week - design (put together an idea of the poster)
  • 3rd week- fix pictures
  • 4th week - evaluate progress and test

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Flash Project - Evaluate

I felt like I did a good job on my project.  I used a wide variety of tutorials and was able to create a great animation with many different moving parts.  My animation had a funny story line of a shark eating a fisherman's legs along with other things that moved like the boat and the water.  I also had things that changed like the clouds.  My project followed the criteria and included a play and pause button.  I had trouble with the play and pause button but it eventually worked out.  I tried to do music but at first the music wouldn't pause when the video paused.  Then The music wouldn't play at all.  I gave up on the music.  Over all I like my video and I think it turned out well.  If I could do this project again I would try adding more things.  I saw a tutorial where it would make a progress bar and a couple other things.  I would have liked to try them if I had more time.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Flash Animation Create

I made an animation for my flash project.  It was a boat coming into the docks with a fisherman on an island being eaten by a shark.  It had moving water, moving shark, transforming clouds, legs disappearing, a play and pause button, and sound.  I strayed from my plan because I thought the plan had no story to it.  I found that a shark eating a fisherman's legs was much funnier than just a boat coming into the docks with people.  I like the animation because it has a lot of parts and it looks cool.  The play and pause buttons were the hardest because they were in Action Script 3.  It took me a long time and help to figure out how to make them work.  The music actually ended up not working for some reason.  Even when it did work I couldn't make the music pause.  Flash is frustrating.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Flash Animation Plan

I am going to make an animation with a play and pause button.  It will also have sound and a changing background.  I intend to make a train and a cruise ship coming into the docks, with people excited and waiting.  Music for the people coming in will play and you will be able to pause and play the movie.  Confetti will be everywhere and clouds will slowly move across the sky.

Flash Animation Investigation

I have learned how to do action script 3, add sound, create a play and pause button from these tutorials.  My idea is to create an animation using these things.  I am going to create an animation with a background that changes, a couple figures that move, sound and a play and pause button.  These are my citations;

Cyphlix. "Play Pause Button AS3 Tutorial." YouTube. YouTube, 03 Apr. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V2gP93dfxs>.
Oppcell. "ActionScript 3 Basics Tutorial : 001." YouTube. YouTube, 08 Apr. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKj1IgWJd-A>.
Rigo, Lillian. "Template Monster Blog." 15 Detailed Expert Tutorials for ActionScript 3. 29 Apr. 2010. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <http://blog.templatemonster.com/2010/04/29/actionscrpt-3-tutorials/>.
Sanders, Adrien Luc. "Flash Animation 8: Adding Simple Audio." About.com Animation. 2010. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <http://animation.about.com/od/flashanimationtutorials/ss/flashlesson8_2.htm>.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Flash Animation

This is my animation, I cannot put the animation on my blog but this should give you an idea of what it's like.

Friday, February 17, 2012

End of 6 weeks Reflection

I feel like this six weeks has been very successful because I have learned to make new things and learn different techniques.  I have a strong work ethic and I found these projects fun and inviting.  I preferred the game project because I always love making games and this was fun to really create one of my many ideas I have accumulated.  I worked mostly in ROME for both projects because I feel most comfortable in it.  I have made different thing even on my own computer in ROME and I feel like I can make really cool things in it.  I would use the same software if I was to do this again.  Over these six weeks I have learned more about art and how hard it is to create.  How hard it is to just come up with the idea first of all, then you have to create it.  Art on the computer is no different.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Game- Evaluate

I did a board game for biology where you had to go around the board getting the parts for you alien by buying the traits with the right codons.  I thought it turned out good for this project because it is a fun way to learn about genes and traits.  I had planned two different ideas and went with this one, my other idea was to make this type of game but you were trying to put together a cell instead.  I decided to do this because it seemed more fun.  I thought this project really taught you about DNA replication and Protein Synthesis because to get more letter to buy traits you have to answer questions.  If I were to start it again I would make the way to get genes more related to the parents and them being recessive or dominant.  I think I did very well with this project because it meets all the requirements, I created a game that is fun and educational.  I made directions and they give how the game is played, I have examples of the creatures you can make, I have an idea of what the board looks like and I have a design for the box.  I am even going to make it in real life.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Game- Create

I made the character parts on Adobe ROME and the print them for the game.  The design for the box was made on photoshop and I am using an old game box and board for the actual game.  I covered an old game board in paper and made the game on top of it.  I made the question cards on index cards and I laminated the character parts and put Velcro on them to make them stick together.  For the game pieces I made my own dice and game pieces to go around the board, out of clay.  I wrote up the directions on ROME and also printed those.  Here some ideas on how the characters could turn out;

This is the idea for the game board

These are the directions on how to play the game
This is what the box looks like

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

Today I printed my trait parts, directions, questions and game board design.  I still need to print out the box design.  I will get them laminated and they will be ready for the game.  I will not be here next class because I am going to HAMUN for model United Nations.  This weekend I am going to put together the game and get all of the necessary parts.  Today I will cut out the trait parts and write the questions on index cards.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Game Pitch

   I have come  up with directions and a basic idea for the game board.  I will need a game board, box, dice, question cards, letter money, game pieces and trait pieces.  I will need two of each trait.  
   To make a successful game I think you need to keep in mind your audience.  If you have to broad an audience then you will not be able to make all of the ages happy.  You need to target one group of people and find out what they like.  I am targeting freshmen in high-school who have trouble in genetics.  My game provides an interactive and fun way to learn. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Typography finish

    I like typography, it makes me think of poems that are in the shape of what they talk about.  I don't think all forms of type are typography because if you just type something then you are not giving it a creative style.  I think typography is art.  I do think Graffiti is typography because it is art in the form of words.  Even though it is illegal it is still creative inspiration.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Game- Plan

   My plan for this game is to create a board game where you go around trying to get all of the pieces to your Alien.  You can go around the board and buy different traits with letters.  It would be like buying them with money except instead of money like dollars you had the nucleic acid bases of the mRNA like A U G and C.  If you can get these nine letters together you can trade them in for a trait.  You can get more letters by landing on a question box where if you answer a question card you get these letters.  You can put together the traits on a laminated sheet with velcro.
   In photoshop I will create the design for the box.  In ROME I will create an idea for the game board, the directions and the parts of the creatures.  The pictures on the box will be made mostly from different webcites that I will get pictures from and use the parts.  I will of course cite these.  I need to get pictures for the box and the dimensions of it.  I will present my final product in an actual game.  Later I plan on giving my biology teacher this game.

Game- Investigate

For this project I need to make a game that relates to a class I am currently taking.  I need to give an overview of what this game will be like and how it will be played.  I am doing biology and using cells.   got many different cites that explain the structure of an animal cell.  I will create a box, pieces and the art for this game using photoshop and ROME.  I also think that this other biology game where you create a character from DNA would be cool.  I think this would be more fun so I am rethinking my cell idea.   I think it will take about three weeks.  My goal audience is freshmen or middle schoolers learning about biology and giving them a fun way to learn about it.
these are the cites I found for the cell game;

"Animal Cell Anatomy." EnchantedLearning.com. 2010. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/animals/cell/>.
 "Animal Cells." Users.com. 7 Nov. 2009. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/A/AnimalCells.html>.

 "Human Organs." PurposeGames.com - Create & Play Online Games. Lumosity.com, 2012. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.purposegames.com/game/163>.
 Rickey, John. "The Human Organ Game, Body Organs, Parts of the Human Body." NetRover Inc. - Canada's Internet Provider. Room 108, 2006. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/body/body.html>.
 "A Typical Animal Cell." Welcome to Wisc-Online.com. Facility Builders Webmasters, 2011. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.wisc-online.com/Objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=AP11403>.

Typography -Evaluate

    I was able to carry out my plan of making a picture totally out of words that we what they were creating.  I made a picture that was completely filled in and made of words.  I was able to create a full picture.  I think other people will like this picture because it is colorful and it hypnotizes you while you try and read every word.  Making things in the picture that were straight was easy, I would write the word over and over again until it worked, the I just added color.  It was a lot harder to make something curved.  I had to resize the word to make it smaller and make a lot of them, all turned a just the right angle, and the fill in the space.  I wish I could have made a couple things more neat, the sky doesn't totally match up together like I might want it to.
   My picture meets the requirements because it make a picture using type.  I think my product it proficient. It meets the requirements but could be a little more neat.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Typography - Create

I decoded on doing a picture that was made out of words, the house is made up of lots of red words that all say, House.  Each thing is made up of the words of what it is.  I decided to not do clouds because it was to difficult to make them curved.  Everything else went as planned.


Typography is more than just words.  It is an expression of art through words.  You can use different fonts and sizes to create something really cool.  Different colors and styles make a piece amazing to look at.  Typography can be many different things, coming up with a new style of writing, creating a picture using different letters and symbols as shapes, or even sometimes make the picture out of the things it describes.  I like typography, it is artistic.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Typography- Plan

For my project I will be using ROME.  I am either going to make the picture using letters or make each object in the picture made out of what it is.  I have seen a couple of things from both.  I found that Thomas Broome does a lot of work where the things are made of the words that they are.  His things are much more detailed and in black and white, I am going to do mine in color and not all of it will be filled in.  This is backwards because I had to take a picture of it, but this is my idea;
I was also thinking of doing something made out of letters, like this;
Again, backwards

When it's done I will take a screenshot and post it on my blog.

Typograpgy- Investigate

I need to make a picture, new font or graphical arrangement with type.  I intend to make a drawing.  It needs to show type in art, and my target audience is my teacher.

I intend to either make a picture out of letters and type, or I might make the objects in the picturewith the words that they are.  I think that this problem will take about two or three class periods to solve.  I will work on Investigate and plan today and next class period I will create.  THen the last class period I will evaluate and finish up everything.  When looking for ideas I used these sites;

"ANATOMY OF TYPE." St Thomas. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. <http://courseweb.stthomas.edu/mjodonnell/coursework/j220/pdf/type2.pdf>.

 Howard, Jacci. "Typeface Anatomy Basics - Explore Parts of Letters." Desktop Publishing Tutorials and Software Recommendations. About.com. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. <http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/typeanatomy/a/basic_anatomy.htm>.

 "Type 101 - Fonts.com." Fonts.com. Monotype Imaging, 2001. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. <http://www.fonts.com/AboutFonts/Type101/>.

 Unger, Greg. "Typographic." RSUB.COM. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. <http://www.rsub.com/typographic/>.

Spell With flicker

This is really cool! You type in something and then it gives you your letters in a cool artistic form.  This is, I love you:
I also tried putting a word in in all big letters and all small letters, it came out totally different.