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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Flash Animation Create

I made an animation for my flash project.  It was a boat coming into the docks with a fisherman on an island being eaten by a shark.  It had moving water, moving shark, transforming clouds, legs disappearing, a play and pause button, and sound.  I strayed from my plan because I thought the plan had no story to it.  I found that a shark eating a fisherman's legs was much funnier than just a boat coming into the docks with people.  I like the animation because it has a lot of parts and it looks cool.  The play and pause buttons were the hardest because they were in Action Script 3.  It took me a long time and help to figure out how to make them work.  The music actually ended up not working for some reason.  Even when it did work I couldn't make the music pause.  Flash is frustrating.

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