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Monday, December 12, 2011

Photoshop Evaluation

Criterion A - Investigate
5-6 Information from a broad range of appropriate, acknowledged sources is collected -I cited and got many ideas from many different cites.

Criterion B - Designing
5-6 A range of feasible designs are generated. -I posted a couple good design ideas for my final product.

Criterion C - Plan
5-6 A plan containing greater detail is produced. -I made a plan in illustrator about what I thought I was going to do.  It has labels of what foods they are and color, unlike the designs.

Criterion D - Create
5-6 Appropriate techniques and equipment are competently used.
A product must be of appropriate quality in respects to requirements and resources.
The plan is followed and any changes from the plan are justified.
Appropriate Quality: The best product or solution that can be produced in respect to resources and time available, skills and techniques used, educational development, how it addresses the need, and aspects of safety and ergonomics. -I worked really hard on this product.  I got many different foods and used them in different ways.  I changed the colors using the photoshop tools and used all of my recources.

Criterion E - Evaluate
5-6 The success of the product and the student’s own performance are evaluated in respect to design specification and views of intended users. Possible improvements to both product and student’s performance on each stage of the design cycle are described. -This is my evaluation.  I evaluated each step exactly and placed some notes at the bottom of what I thought I would have done differently.

I thought I did excelent but I with I could have made the food look like it went together more and that it was more all one picture.  I might have changed the hair just because it looks a little sloppy. I would also like it if the picture looked a little more like me.

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