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Monday, November 28, 2011

Illustrator Criteria

Criterion A- Investigation
2- problem is stated and investigated.
   I didn't use very many sources. I manly sourced my tutorials for Illustrator, and I didn't even source the previouse map I used.

Criterion B- Design
 3, afew designs are generated
   I Posted what it looked like when I was about half way through but I didn't do any designs aside from that.

Criterion C- Plan
5 a plan with detail is produced
   I had a good plan of what I would do, what I posted was good.  It had an idea of what it would look like and a start to the numbering of the rooms.

Criterion D- Create
6 appropriate techniques and equipment are used.  The product must be appropriate quality in respects to requirements and resources. The plan is followed and any changes from the plan are justified.
   I spent most of my time on this, I used Illustrator, as instructed and made a map that fully reflected what it was designed to reflect.

Criterion E- Evaluate
5 he success of the product and the student’s own performance are evaluated  in respect to design specification and views of intended users.  Possible improvements to both product and student’s performance on each stage of the design cycle are described.
   I revised my evaluation after looking at some better ones.  It turned out better than before.

Criteria F- Evaluate
6 Satisfactory personal engagement and a satisfactory attitude towards safety, cooperation, and respect for others is consistently displayed.
   I had fun doing this project and liked every minute of it.

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