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Monday, April 30, 2012

Dance project - Design

Design Brief
I am going to make a project to solve the problem of kids between the ages of 8-18 not appreciating ballet dancers.  I am trying to make children appreciate the art of ballet more.  To have a better attitude when they go see the ballet in a field trip.  I am going to make a poster that symbolizes how long it takes a dancer to become a prima ballerina. The poster will have a ballet dancer of each year in ballet.  The Prima Ballerina and her partner will be center stage symbolizing the finished work.  It will show kids how much effort and dedication it takes to become a prima ballerina.

  • will be 25in wide 15in tall
  • will be made in time given
  • will be made in photoshop
Function (what it was made to do)
  • will make kids more interested in ballet
  • help kids understand how long it takes to become a ballet dancer
  • help kids in ballet express themselves
  • made from different parts of other pictures
  • made in photoshop by me
  • using different techniques found in tutorials
  • made in time given
  • 1st week - investigate (find pictures and tutorials)
  • 2nd week - design (put together an idea of the poster)
  • 3rd week- fix pictures
  • 4th week - evaluate progress and test

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Flash Project - Evaluate

I felt like I did a good job on my project.  I used a wide variety of tutorials and was able to create a great animation with many different moving parts.  My animation had a funny story line of a shark eating a fisherman's legs along with other things that moved like the boat and the water.  I also had things that changed like the clouds.  My project followed the criteria and included a play and pause button.  I had trouble with the play and pause button but it eventually worked out.  I tried to do music but at first the music wouldn't pause when the video paused.  Then The music wouldn't play at all.  I gave up on the music.  Over all I like my video and I think it turned out well.  If I could do this project again I would try adding more things.  I saw a tutorial where it would make a progress bar and a couple other things.  I would have liked to try them if I had more time.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Flash Animation Create

I made an animation for my flash project.  It was a boat coming into the docks with a fisherman on an island being eaten by a shark.  It had moving water, moving shark, transforming clouds, legs disappearing, a play and pause button, and sound.  I strayed from my plan because I thought the plan had no story to it.  I found that a shark eating a fisherman's legs was much funnier than just a boat coming into the docks with people.  I like the animation because it has a lot of parts and it looks cool.  The play and pause buttons were the hardest because they were in Action Script 3.  It took me a long time and help to figure out how to make them work.  The music actually ended up not working for some reason.  Even when it did work I couldn't make the music pause.  Flash is frustrating.